Sunday, October 27, 2013

Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

From its earliest years, Apple has become one of the most well-known companies for its advertising, and although their sales techniques are not as aggressive as from there competitors, they still manage to be a popular and successful company, till this day.

Apple's most significant ad commercial and campaigns, that put them in the position they are in today, include the "1984" Super Bowl commercial, which mimicked imagery from Gorge Orwell's 1984, and the "Think Different" campaign during the 1990's, which linked apple to famous social figures, such as the artist John Lennon and freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi. Another famous ad campaign was the "iPod people" during the early 2000's.

The campaign ad that I remember and enjoyed watching was the "Get a Mac" commercials, which basically showed viewers that a Macintosh computer was better than the PC by comparing both on there capabilities and specifications

Today Apple ads are focused less on technical details and specifications, but more on the impact they have in the lives of millions of users, such as the TV ad on the right

Not only does Apple use advertisement to catch the public's attention, but it also uses its public relations to reach out to the public or to consumers/customers. For example, when Apple announces the launch of new product, it builds some sort of an excitement and eagerness among the public especially among loyal customers, and leaves them waiting until they actually reveal the product through a live video that can be viewed from anyone and anywhere through a personal computer.

Apple also uses Sales promotion as way to target the different kinds of consumers, for example Apple offers discounted products to only those who qualify as a college student. Another thing is with the iPhone 5 and 5s, Apple has discounted the prices of previous models, such as the 4 and 4s which the main target for that may be lower income consumers.

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